Installed Audio Systems - Churches
Although each church is unique and so provides a unique challenge in providing clear natural sound it is possible to identify basic building blocks common to most church installations.
Your church may need a selection of the following :
- Microphones at the main working points such as lectern, pulpit and altar together with one or more radio microphones.
- A gating automixer that provides automatic selection of the microphones in use or manual mixer system that allows you to choose which inputs are open during a service.
- A media player/recorder to allow the playing of music as required during the service.
- A master mixer to control the final mix of sound out of the system.
- An amplifier that will provide sufficient output to drive your loudspeakers with minimum distortion.
- Loudspeakers to deliver the sound output to your congregation.
- An induction hearing loop system to provide sound to those who use hearing assistance via a 'T' enabled hearing aid.